Update PB na serwerach Linux
Z pAmIęTnIkA nIeGrZeCzNeGo AnIołkA
- Download the pbsetup.run file to a newly created folder (ex pbsetup)
- Once downloaded you may have to chmod it to make it executable (chmod +X pbsetup.run)
- Run pbsetup using ./pbsetup.run --i-accept-the-pb-eula -la to display a list of available games game prefixes
- To add a game use this command ./pbsetup.run --i-accept-the-pb-eula -ag <game_prefix> -ap "/server/path/" 1
(Example ./pbsetup.run --i-accept-the-pb-eula -ag cod4 -ap "/home/cod4srv/" )
- Repeat the above step to all all games you wish to update
- Now issue the ./pbsetup.run --i-accept-the-pb-eula -u command to update all the games you have added.
1 To find the server path you can issue the pb_sv_homepath command to your server. It will return the path including the PB folder (ex "/home/cod4srv/pb") Omit the pb/ part of the result when adding games to pbsetup.