Z pAmIęTnIkA nIeGrZeCzNeGo AnIołkA

Wyszukano 10001 fraz

Czy kto¶ jest z Kwidzyna albo okolic?
Ja jestem z Kwidzyna i chcialabym sie dowiedziec, czy jest ktos blisko mnie........

Wroc³aw i okolice...
Czesc wszystkim:)
Jestem osob± do¶c ma³omówn± i dopóki kogo¶ dobrze nie poznam to ciê¿ko mi siê rozmawia....jednak z drugiej strony nie lubie siedziec w domu....moze ma kto¶ ochotê na jakies spotkanie?? Mo¿e jaki¶ spacer i wymiana pogl±dów, albo bilard i wymiana...

Spotkanie ¦w
Natchniony postem Divinusa postanowi³em zaproponowac zlocik w Kielcach, Radomiu b±d¼ Warszawie gdzie¶ za 2 tygodnie. Jakby kto¶ by³by chêtny niech pisze w tym temacie.
Wiem ¿e taki zlot jest stresogenny (dla mnie w szczególno¶ci) ale mo¿na by spróbowac....

Choroba sieroca
Tak jak obieca³em opiszê to z czym siê zmagam od urodzenia. Zaznaczyæ muszê, ¿e nie jest to ³atwe, bo wstydzê siê tego i bardzo ma³o osób wie o tym - wie o tym tylko najbli¿sza rodzina. Otó¿ od zawsze mia³em pewne symptomy tej przypad³o¶ci lecz nie wiedzia³em jak to siê nazywa....

Nokia N85


Nokia N-Gage


Nokia N96


Mamy jakiego¶ grafika na forum lub w klubie ??? Bo wpad³em na pomys³ ¿e mo¿na by rozs³awiæ nasze forum u¿ywaj±c sygnatur w podpisach na innych forach,stronach internetowych itp. bo to ¿e to klubowe forum jest to nie znaczy chyba ¿e inni nie mog± siê tu rejestrowaæ i dzieliæ siê...

Plusy, minusy, neutralne i ocena
Tutaj dajemy swoje plusy gry, minusy, neutralne oraz ogóln± ocenê

Plusy (czyli zalety tej gry):

-Nowe bronie - Podobaj± mi siê nowe bronie jak: Snajperka, Dzia³ko stra¿nicze i porwanie przez obcych
-Tweak - Czyli ³atwy dostêp...


Ka¿dy typ w dziale Liga Mistrzów musi byæ podparty analiz±. Nie musi byæ to d³ugi tekst wystarcz± 2-3 zdania.
Tzw. "suche" typy bêd± usuwane. Miejsce na suche typy jest w dziale "Kupony".
Je¿eli bêdzie siê powtarza³a...

Regulamin dzia³u!

Ka¿dy typ w dziale Puchary Europejskie musi byæ podparty analiz±. Nie musi byæ to d³ugi tekst wystarcz± 2-3 zdania.

Tzw. "suche" typy bêd± usuwane. Miejsce na suche typy jest w dziale "Kupony".


Old computer, how do I make it run faster?
my stupid sister put it on my computer without even asking me! and it gives viruses! i can't afford to have another virus on my computer! can someone help??? how do i uninstall frostwire?!

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How do i save my pc and stop it from dying?!?
I love the sims games but i dont have the sims3 pc & i came accross 101gamer. org where you can download it for free but i am worried about viruses as my pc is not very well proctected, has anyone downloaded the sims3 from the site or any other games???...

I can not get my task bar back or my icons? Helllppp?
go to http://www.2-spyware.com/...virus-2009.html it will show you

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I would not recomend it since frostwire is known for viruses on pc and macs

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Does my Mac OS X have a virus?
My computer keep on hanging and then restart when I open any games. I scan it with mcafee anti virus, and my computer has no virus, scan it with superantispyware and no threats found. I also used kaspersky rescue disk, and nothings found. I format my computer and install a games,...

How do i fix my laptop?
does anyone know if they are legit? i want a points2shop account but don't know if it will give my computer viruses or stuff like that, or if it's a scam. any help?

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Getting a new laptop hard drive for dummies?
My uncle took my computer to get it fixed after it got hit with a hard virus last year. he said there should be a virus protection on it, but i can't find it anywher, I want to run a virus scan because something popped up telling me i have a virus. But i clicked off of it because i wasn't...

Google Chrome or IE8 Review!!!!!?
I believe I may have picked up a virus. Just yesterday my pc started acting "funny" - locking up when moving from one thing to another, etc. Then today I attempted to log into my online bank account and was taken to a page (which looked as though it was part of my bank's...

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So when ever i try to install this game warcraft III and the expansion, frozen throne my anti virus avg, says that are 4 corrupt files for both games. Both are trojans. When i try to heal them, nothing happens. It hasn't affected my computer in any way. Could it be on the actual game...

registry cleaner
move/rename 2) delete 3) move to chest 4) repair what action should i take to remove that virus

registry cleaner...

install a good anti virus and run it in safe mode

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It freezes on startup not even the start button will pop up I ran antivirus, cleaners and it worked for like ten minutes and then it froze again and the sound kept making a weird noise. and it only works on safe mode. its a sony vaio windows xp! thank you


Broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN card with D-Link 624 router connect
I have some hard disk errors on a laptop I'm fixing for a friend. There were probably viruses that removed important system and boot files. I tried the Windows XP recovery CD but it didn't work. I'm now running a program called HDAT2 to check and repair bad sectors. However, if I...

Co Ci siê podoba w tej sali?
Co Ci siê podoba w tej sali?...

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