Welcome to FMR!

Z pAmIęTnIkA nIeGrZeCzNeGo AnIołkA

Welcome to FMR!

We introduced the possibility of registration for the guests from abroad. You can change language version of the forum in the top of the main page.

register link

For the assistance in matters of the forum you can ask one of the following moderators:
Kuba Plewka
Sergionex- Sergiusz Peczek
Mateusz Jonakowski

The English-language part of the forum is divided to the following parts:
- 'Workbench', where you can show your models, figures, dioramas etc. both finished and being built by you.
- In 'Reviews' section we share our opinions about kits and after-market items with others.
- 'Walkaround & Photo References' is the section intended to presenting interesting archive materials and photographs of real objects.
- In 'Hyde Park' you can just talk about everything you want.

We invite you to the Polish-language part of FMR too. If specific thread will be interesting for you, take the floor - you will obtain answer in English for sure.

We wish you a good cooperation with us, and we count on that we will have a lot of opportunities to exchange our experiences and opinions in many subjects.

Administrator Peter
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • drakonia.opx.pl
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