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Z pAmIęTnIkA nIeGrZeCzNeGo AnIołkA

Welcome to This sub-forum is just a guestbook for visitors who don't speak Polish and thus don't understand what we're talking about both on the website and on the forum. The only language used within this sub-forum is English.

If you have any questions regarding Cracow's public transport or anything else, just write them here!

You don't even need to register! However, this may lead to some minor problems. Since we have an anti-spam filter installed on our server, some words common for spam in the title or your post (like e.g. "welcome!") may lead to the automatic rejection of the message. In case of any problems, don't give up and try again. Don't forget to modify your post a little bit.

We don't have an English skin for this forum yet. The button entitled "nowy temat" starts a new topic, while the one with "odpowiedz" lets you post a reply in an existing thread.
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