Mobile Master

Z pAmIęTnIkA nIeGrZeCzNeGo AnIołkA

Mobile Master 6.7.0 build 2280

Kolejny kombajn do obs³ugi telefonów komórkowych. Program umo¿liwia wysy³anie SMS-ów PC via pod³±czony telefon. Edycje i synchronizacjê ksi±¿ki telefonicznej, kalendarza, notatek, logo etc. Program posiada równie¿ funkcjê eksploracji plików w telefonie dziêki czemu bêdziemy mogli wgraæ nowy dzwonek, aplikacjê Java, ¶ci±gn±æ zapisane zdjêcia z telefonu lub inne pliki. Komunikacja z telefonem odbywa siê za pomoc± kabelka, IRDA lub bluetooth.

Obs³ugiwane modele:

Apple: iPod Video, iPod nano
older iPods that have contacts and/or calendar as well might work, but are not tested

Sony Ericsson: D750i, K750i, K700i, K600i, K500i, K300i, F500i*, S700i, T610, T630, T300, T68i, V800i, V600i, W810i, W900i, W800i, W550i, Z600i, Z520i, Z1010*
*Z1010 and F500i seems to work as users have reported
P900/910 are not supported

Samsung: D800, D600, D500,(E-Version e.g. D500E should work as well),E850, E800, E770, E760, E730, E720, E700, E620, E610, E530, E350, E330, E300,
X800, X700, X640, X660
other models will be supported soon, some may already work

Benq Siemens: S68, S75, SL75, S65, SL65, SK65, S56, S55, SL55, S46, S45, SL42, S45i, SL45, S40, S35i, SXG75 and SX1 are not supported, M75, M65, M56, M55, MC60, MT50, M50, ME45, M35i, CX75, CF75, C75, CX70, CX65, C62, C45, C35i, AX75**, Gigasets: SL1, SL100, SL150 and compatible

* Not all of the fields of the address book are supported, will be the case in near fututre
Contents of the unsupported fields are not modified by Mobile Master, they keep their contents
** seems to work due to users, but not yet tested

Nokia: To have access to the address book and the calendar of the phone the Nokia PC Suite is required. 6230(i), 6220, 6210, 6200, 6100, 6310(i), 6510, 5140, 7600, 6820, 8210, 7250

Sony: CMD-J5, CMD-Z5, CMD-CD5, CMD-Z7, CMD-J7/J70


- 800Mhz or faster
- Windows XP, 2000, NT, 95, 98 and ME
- 18 MByte space on your hard disk
- Connection for your phone via a cable, infrared or Bluetooth
- Screen resolution 800x600
- 65535 Colors
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